Watch feature?

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Watch feature?

Post by MrEman »

Is it possible to have UE "Watch" a collection?

If I gather headers and see a collection of interest that is partial......
Tag it as a collection to "watch"
When collection becomes complete.....Download!!! :D
Posts: 80
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Post by NoNo »

How about a different approach while waiting for a possible added feature?

Let's say while getting headers just let ue only show "complete" collections so you'll only have to decide what stuff to download.

Well of course you'll have to define what a "complete" collection means to you and try to use the filter editor in that way.

For instance I'm interested in posts that do contains .par2 files.
Since most of the times par2 files are posted last, using a little bit of filter just get the job done, thou there are some cases that need some attention.
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