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Cannot download searched items

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:39 pm
by aberly
I recently had to reset my hard disk to factory condition. I reinstalled UE, but using the latest version. I didn't have the old database, so I set up the servers by hand. I use two different services. They both work. I can pull headers, view messages, and download attachments.

But I cannot download attachments I find using the search service, even though I could do this before I reinstalled UE. I get the error message that I attached here as a screen capture.

I tried manually adding the newsgroup the search service had found, and it still didn't work. So I imported all headers for that group, and finally I got it to work. But I never had to do this extra step before. And having to do it now greatly reduces the value of the search service, because now I have to pull thousands of headers just to see one message I found using the search.

How can I fix this?

Re: Cannot download searched items

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:36 am
by alex
In the newsgroups tab of the view menu->workspace right click on the Import group and invoke advanced->attach all servers.

Re: Cannot download searched items

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 3:36 pm
by aberly
Thanks. That fixed it.