TA 4 Auto close & shutdown but, more small changes pleas

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TA 4 Auto close & shutdown but, more small changes pleas

Post by Pegleg »

If during the day I enable the sheduler for say 00.01-08.00 (my broadband ISP has monthly traffic allowance (10 GB) but between 00.00 and 08.00 the allowance is doubled) then select the headers I want to download and finaly hit the finish all tasks and exit,
NEWSPRO does exactly as told, exits as there are no current tasks running.
Would it be possible to look at the queued task list to stop NEWSPRO exiting when tasks are queued or (and this I would realy love) enable the auto exit and auto shutdown by external switches.
Then one could create the batch file getnews.bat containing
NEWSPRO mp3country /autoexit
NEWSPRO mp3oldies /autoexit
NEWSPRO mp3folk /autoshutdown

The three instance would then run sequentially getting round the newsfeed problem of "to many requests to a server", the problem that my PC is slow when NEWSPRO has serveral instances loaded and waiting to be scheduled and it will shut down the PC and save power, the environment etc.
Then I use windows sheduler to start getnews.bat at 00.01 and shutdown the PC when finished.
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