Vista system crashes

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Vista system crashes

Post by xtrips »


I am running UE on Vista Ultimate. The platform is a Core2Duo 2.4 Ghz with 2gb ram. My access to the the net is ADSL 5mb/s. I used the patch for tcpip.sys for upper limit in Vista, but the problem was there before. The sole purpose of this machine is to download Blue rays and HD-DVD from the net. Huge loads.
Here are some facts:
- if UE is running the computer crashes without warning after 2 or 3 hours.
- if UE is not running the computer does not crash.
- nothing relevant in the Event logs.

I can't say if UE is responsible or something else is. Can somebody help me circumvent the problem? Is there some tweaking to do in UE to download huge loads at full speed? By the way, 5mb/s is not so high compared to speeds you have in the US, right?

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Post by alex »

it is a bug in some third party driver, most likely network related.

i even added some check for driver crashes to display some relevant message in ue crash error box, but if the driver brings down the system no error box can be displayed.

basically if you see a system crash you need to look into drivers or hardware, pure applications like UE run in the user mode so they cannot bring down the system without a buggy driver "help".

do you have kaspersky installed by chance?

if you uncheck properties->general, keep alive are crashes still there?
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Thank you

Post by xtrips »

Ok, I will check upon those ones.
Why did you ask about kaspersky? I run Avast and AVG Anti-Spyware.
Anyway do you have any recommendations at the performance level for UE settings?

Thank you
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Post by alex »

there are no specific settings, you can limit bandwidth if you like.

should be no problem to download at 10 times higher than your connection speed.

i'm not sure what you mean by performance. as to UE it only simply reads from and writes to sockets. if you install something and there is driver in between e.g. scanning incoming data for viruses and it has a bug which is getting triggered e.g. because the driver fails to track connections among threads you get those issues. it has nothing to do with performance level, performance we would be talking about e.g. if you got high processor usage on a clean system, in UE i just optimized those issues so you don't hit that, with other software you may get advice not to download large newsgroups or not to run too many tasks, with UE is not an issue (as to current loads with significantly more spare power to go, with 5mpbs connection you probably should have processor usage few percents on average).

all what you can do is to try to exclude UE incoming data from monitoring in the third party settings and to uncheck properties->general->keep alive in UE settings.

unchecking keep alive frequently helps since then the network thread work pattern is like in mosts p2p programs which don't keep connections alive among threads so bugs in drivers in such scenario are more likely to be fixed more promptly.

the best would be though to replace programs which install faulty drivers with something which works since they render your system and applications unstable.
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vista crashing with ue and kaspersky

Post by Fonst »

today i got a support from kaspersky on how to solve this problem of ue crashing in combination with kaspersky and vista. i am not yet sure if it helps, have to find out yet.
support mail with how-to was written in dutch. if people are interested i can post it.
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Issue closed

Post by xtrips »


This issue has been solved a long time ago for me.
I use Avast as an AntiVirus and AVG for spywares.
The thing is they were scanning my downloading folders thus putting a heavy load on the in packets queue.
As soon as removed the directories from the sacn list things went smooth.

Thanks anyway.
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Post by Fonst »

with kaspersky there was some more to it.
adding all items of usenetexplorer to 'trusted zone' didn't help as one would expect when the problem was caused by scanning all downloaded files.
kaspersky advised a very thorough uninstall of kaspersky with some special tools from the site and reinstall the newest version 621.
didn't test it yet.
hope it will work.
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Post by bassie »

so, you used AVAST?

I also use AVAST antivirus on windows xp on this computer. And today i found out that AVAST causes problems with downloading speed.
When avast is running, download speeds heavily varies between 0.3 MB/sec and 1.05 MB/sec. Maybe because avast is checking things out when downloading or so.
When i shut down the monitoring of AVAST, then the maximum download speed is maximum.
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