03 Oct 23: One server has been relocated, the server currently doesn't have a public IP address in the meantime. I wrote some additional tunnel code running separately to handle this. When the server is engaged the connection is 5600+ days uniform (since around 24 July 2008). In the unlikely case I disengaged the server because of some problem the retention is 1200-3800 days depending on newsgroup. If you experience any issue please let me know.
29 Nov 23: Because of encrypted and "obfuscated" flood mass posted by few nzb websites and newzbin-like communities using usenet servers as private storage for their members to download the posts - the situation with the content is pretty chaotic, since posts are disguised in such a way, that users must use the satellite ecosystem (whish is not a part of Usenet) exclusively to download them, when the website disappears - the encrypted scattered posts just eat usenet providers' disk space uselessly. If you can't find something specific please let me know what exactly you can't find for me to check how it is possible to retain the posts. Legible posts shouldn't be affected at all, let me know if you notice anything missing.
08 Aug 24: After being unchanged for many years the search service communication protocol had to be updated a few times in part to resolve a server side set feature limitation and properly handle trial searches on the relocated server. The searches themselves are not affected and it looks like the work is now complete.
the failed computer is now alive after recovery console chksdk. power supply has been replaced.
the failed system drive also keeps older data for pending search service upgrade (which is coincidentally will take place shortly), so i'll backup the data first and then change configuration to full retention so all will be back to normal.
retention is shown on the UE webpage, probably it will be increased.
there is no port setting, ue reads search service configuration from the UE webpage instead so i can change it to some backup configuration if e.g. hardware fails so the service can continue although maybe with smaller retention until the problem is fixed.
maybe we need some kind of immediate feedback so i know if something goes wrong right away to fully use the advantage of this scheme, maybe using a web to sms gateway.