I have multipart binary messages which one of the parts is reporting "Error 430 No Such Article." That's OK though... that's not what my question is about.
I need to save that corrupt joined binary anyway so it can be used for par data. Unfortunately, it's sitting in my queue indefinitely with "Pending 97% completed 1 pending 39 bodies 0 errors".
Some settings:
Recoverable errors: too*many|limit|timeout
-That's default - and doesn't seem like it should include this 430 error... but why doesn't then take complete or error out after that error then?
Retry failed tasks every 1 minute.
Server Retries 1 (also, only one server is currently enabled)
All options in the Articles subbox "Saving Attachments" are checked (including "Ignore 'No such article' errors").
Am I doing something wrong? Not only am I unable to get these partial files for use in PAR, but they stay in my queue forever unless I manually cancel them.
Error handling and salvaging partial multiparts
you have some other news server disabled/suspended in addition to the active one?
detach all newsgroups from that server, how it works now UE waits for the server to be alive so it keeps tasks in the queue.
in the workspace, the second "servers" pane expand the server, select all newsgroups under it and invoke "detach" from the context menu.
when you need the server again just attach them through the server context menu->advanced->attach all newsgroups.
detach all newsgroups from that server, how it works now UE waits for the server to be alive so it keeps tasks in the queue.
in the workspace, the second "servers" pane expand the server, select all newsgroups under it and invoke "detach" from the context menu.
when you need the server again just attach them through the server context menu->advanced->attach all newsgroups.
Cancel the awkward articles, select all of them you want to save then right-click and choose Save attachments. Save them in whichever directory they should be in then you will have the saved (corrupt) articles ready for fixing with PARs.
After you've repaired, make sure to go back and delete the failed articles in UE to free space in your database.
After you've repaired, make sure to go back and delete the failed articles in UE to free space in your database.
It's another way of doing it, especially if you want to keep the incomplete bodies in the database for further use. Maybe if you decided to subscribe to another server soon that would catch the missing articles or your current server was being switched while temporary maintenance was being carried out. If you allowed UE to save and delete the incompletes and found that there weren't enough pars to fix the corrupt files then you'd have to redownload.
then you can just uncheck "Delete incomplete bodies"
if so the attachments will be saved but failed tasks will also go into the articles error "?" pane (the closest "?" pane to the right of the "Articles" pane).
then when you don't need those bodies you can just go to the error pane select bodies you want to delete and invoke "Delete bodies" from the pane context menu, I remember it is why I added the option in the context menu some time after adding "Ignore No such article errors", it wasn't there from the beginning.
if so the attachments will be saved but failed tasks will also go into the articles error "?" pane (the closest "?" pane to the right of the "Articles" pane).
then when you don't need those bodies you can just go to the error pane select bodies you want to delete and invoke "Delete bodies" from the pane context menu, I remember it is why I added the option in the context menu some time after adding "Ignore No such article errors", it wasn't there from the beginning.