Since a few days, my connection speed is very very low. normally, i have about 1.63 mb/sec. now, I have an avarage of about 350 kb/sec. Sometimes it is between 350 kb and 1.30 mb/sec, but it changes a lot. From the 8 threads I am able to use, most of the times only 3-4 work. At this moment, only 1 thread is running....
My brother (lives somewhere else) has te same problems, other provider.
Please please please can you help me.....
Hung connections [eweka.nl force server authentication bug]
ok it was server eweka.nl bug, edit menu->properties->general, force server authentication should be unchecked, if checked newsreader69.eweka.nl or maybe they have other server names as well didn't like it. server bug since it must work (some servers have e.g. different newsgroup list for public/private accounts).