Problem adding 'Recent Folders' button to toolbar

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Problem adding 'Recent Folders' button to toolbar

Post by mrvegaz »

I can add the 'recent folders' button to the toolbar, but it won't let me add a button image to it. Also, when I click on it, the dropdown list doesn't show me my most recent folders like it does when I use it by right-clicking in the Unpack pane, but instead it tells me I'm a 'Dummy'. :?

I'm trying not to take it personal, but maybe UE is trying to tell me something?
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Post by alex »


no, the folder is created dynamically, if i don't add some dummy entry in the resource editor i cannot create pop-up menu in the resource editor, instead of pop-up menu it willl be just regular menu entry.

it adds entries when you press the right menu button in the unpack view.

i could try though to move the code into separate function and add the same as dropdown menu of the "open default save folder" and in the unpack menu, but i need to call custom code since the menu is created dynamically.

when it adds folders it deletes the dummy entry so you don't normally see it :)

frankly i had a thought to add it to the unpack menu as well, but then it just somehow was gone.
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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

i made it customizable in the latest version, a bit weird way to add it, the standard handlers don't work with the GUI library as to menu bar/toolbar entries.

don't dare to open UE.exe in a binary editor, i don't take any responsibility for what you may find there in the random byte sequence :)
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