I like the way that auto unrar will unrar to a folder that is derived from the subject name. Unfortunately, join does not seem to have this capability. I would like to see all unpacking factions go to a folder whose name is derived from the subject. Is this possible?
Join to Subdir
the unpack is organized on per folder basis, otherwise it would be very difficult to grasp for an average user when files are spread through many folders but still all interconnected, it could cause you major headache.
unrar can be done to another folder since the resulting files are not subjected to unpack again, but with join it is not the case, the resulting file frequently is still needed for par2 verification for example, or even worse, for repair, so it should be in the same folder. also join is not so frequent operation.
unrar can be done to another folder since the resulting files are not subjected to unpack again, but with join it is not the case, the resulting file frequently is still needed for par2 verification for example, or even worse, for repair, so it should be in the same folder. also join is not so frequent operation.