Download&Save Immediately -> Does not save immediatel

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Download&Save Immediately -> Does not save immediatel

Post by tijgert »

Sometimes my save list get's kinda lenghty and I just want that one file first... but even when I get it in before the rest with the D&S IMMEDIATELY function, it still has to wait in the back of the line to be saved. No real advantage there of being downloaded ahead of the rest...

Wouldn't it be nice if Download&Save Immediately would also move the file to the top of the save list? I think it would...

By the way, is there also a way to make UE do the parring ahead of the saving, sothat it repairs what can be fixed first so I can unpack and wipe it afterwards? Now it seems to wait till it's not busy saving something (here comes my lengthy save list in it as well)
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Post by alex »

immediately means with the immediate priority.

the priority is set in edit menu->properties->articles, download immediately.

you can e.g. set it to "above normal", then you still have "high" and "highest" just invoke "download with priority".

as to save/unpack precedence it can be implemented the opposite way by just interchanging two lines of code, but the user consensus until now was save tasks should have higher priority over repair/unrar/join tasks.

if you need something you can e.g. suspend save queue, then unpack task queue will be processed.
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