files remain pending [when 0 server tasks in settings]

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files remain pending [when 0 server tasks in settings]

Post by Mierzoet »


For some time now, I see the following behaviour sometimes.
A lot of files remain "pending" while allready some part has been downloaded.

I have a screenshot to clearify what is going on.

Could somebody tell me what is happening?

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Re: a lot of files remain pending

Post by jonib »

Mierzoet wrote:For some time now, I see the following behaviour sometimes.
A lot of files remain "pending" while allready some part has been downloaded.
Right Click and choose properties on a pending file, that should give you some information about whats going on.

What is the retention on your newsserver? as those pending postings seem kinda old and might not be complete anymore on the server.

Edit: Do you have any servers disabled? as that can prevent UE showing some download errors.

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Post by alex »


what UE version are you using?

from release notes:

"- v2.2 -


- article tasks now are optionally disengaged from disabled servers. the option is enabled by default, properties->tasks, disengage article tasks from disabled servers. it prevents stuck pending tasks waiting for disabled servers to become reenabled."

still, maybe you set the number of tasks for some server to zero in edit menu->properties->servers?

also in the workspace check the status of servers especially if you have edit menu->properties->general->exceeding download limit enabled, to ensure no server got suspended somehow, by default suspend server is for 0 minutes which means the option is disabled by default.

if you are using version before v2.2 or you unchecked the "disengage" option i mentioned above in v2.2 maybe you disabled some server.

in short it has something to do with settings.

your screenshot is very wide so the text in the topic is aligned so badly.
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Location: Venlo, The Netherlands

Post by Mierzoet »


I use version 2.2.2

I do not have this disengage unchecked.

But I do have a server with 0 tasks, as this is my upload server.

How can I best set this?

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Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

i didn't try it, thought about it only now - maybe the best way - in the server properties (edit menu->properties->servers) select the server and uncheck "get headers" and "get bodies", i didn't try it but it should work for sure. in such a case corresponding "always" check boxes should be unchecked so you'll be able to change those settings for each server, you can see the whole picture in the server list control. and then you don't even have to set tasks to zero, apart from getting headers and bodies what is left is newsgroup list and posting, so you can use the server for upload but practically for anything else it will be not engaged.

if it wouldn't be just upload server what you could do - in the workspace, the servers pane, expand the server, select all newsgroups under the server entry and invoke "detach" from the context menu, but if it is only for upload the first option i think is much better since you don't need to detach newly added newsgroups afterwards and don't need to change upload server tasks from zero when you want to post.

i've relieved the topic of the screenshot, difficult to read what is posted, i think the point is now clear anyway.
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