right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature.
right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature.
Hi Alex,
As always, first let me say how much I continue to enjoy and use your excellent newsreader - really is the best available, hands down.
I was just checking some headers and it occurred to me that a context menu based right click option of: "Delete (and/or purge?) All Headers from this Author" feature would be a handy tool (esp with a keyboard shortcut!) - I wonder if it is a difficult feature to add?
Just a suggestion - again thanks for all the hard work and seasons greetings!
As always, first let me say how much I continue to enjoy and use your excellent newsreader - really is the best available, hands down.
I was just checking some headers and it occurred to me that a context menu based right click option of: "Delete (and/or purge?) All Headers from this Author" feature would be a handy tool (esp with a keyboard shortcut!) - I wonder if it is a difficult feature to add?
Just a suggestion - again thanks for all the hard work and seasons greetings!
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
I'll second this suggestion - this would be a great addition!
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
Maybe just to purge, what we are mostly talking about is one source who posting all that virus/spam flood for about a year, most of it through hitnews.eu under "razor" derivatives and some other poster names.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
i'll try to add something more serious in the next version, it should work when spammers don't use the standard poster names like powerpost a&a.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
Maybe it makes more sense to create a "select all articles from this author" function. After that you can choose to mark them old or delete, just what the user want.
Also a "Show all articles from this poster" would be nice for having a quick view.
Also a "Show all articles from this poster" would be nice for having a quick view.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
v2.3+, i tried to keep it simple.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
Alex, the Blacklist feature is AWESOME!! and I love the author quick filter!! Once again you've outdone yourself and UE remains the best of the best!!! Many thanks 

Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
I wonder if it is possibe to manualy (by texteditor) remove one poster from the bla.dat file, i can find the correct name but i do not understand the characters surrounding the name, and trying to find the name in the list from inside UE is almost impossible because its in time order rather than alphabetical order, and i have thousands of names in it, it would be nice if the blacklist format would be easily editable, with clear start and stop of each post.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
edit menu->properties->kill filters/blacklist, select posters you want to remove from the blacklist and press "delete", maybe i should change the button text from "delete" to "remove from blacklist".
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
If you click the header, you can sort the blacklist by name too. (in case you didn't notice that already)mrqaffe wrote:trying to find the name in the list from inside UE is almost impossible because its in time order rather than alphabetical order.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
Ok i didnt know it was possible to sort alphabeticaly before, it's a lot easier then, to find someone in a spamfilter with 1000 of entrys by "date added" is very hard.
A future feature could be that the killfilter deletes the oldest entries after a given time, the spammers changes names all the time, so a sort of "autocleaning" of the spammer list would be nice.
Anyway i like the function a lot, it filter out spam very easy by author.
A future feature could be that the killfilter deletes the oldest entries after a given time, the spammers changes names all the time, so a sort of "autocleaning" of the spammer list would be nice.
Anyway i like the function a lot, it filter out spam very easy by author.
Re: right click -> Delete All Headers by this Author feature
There is a chance you may want to download older headers.
The blacklist size when you add entries there realistically doesn't affect performance, but if you want you can sort by date added and then select and delete the top of the list in one click.
The blacklist size when you add entries there realistically doesn't affect performance, but if you want you can sort by date added and then select and delete the top of the list in one click.