I've got a small question.
When looking at the Servers Workspace page, it reports a current download speed. This is in KB/s.
Is this KiloByte per second?
So 1200 KB/s would translate to = 9.60 Mb/s (Mega bit per second).
My question is this, because I can not figure out what speed my dsl provider is providing to me.
I have a 20Mbps contract, and the provider tells me they can deliver up to 8Mbps to my address.
When checking up and download speeds on various internet site, I never ever get any higher then 3 Mbps.
But when recalculating the speed UE gets I get much higher figures.
So I just wanted to check if my calculations are correct.
Server speed as reported by UE
yes it is correct, you get something like 9.6mbps (megabit per second) then.
if you download headers and provider supports header compression UE may show two bandwidths like:
Bandwidth 21.5 KB/s (131 KB/s)
you should look at the left (smaller) value since the bandwidth in the parentheses is of inflated data after decompression.
if you download headers and provider supports header compression UE may show two bandwidths like:
Bandwidth 21.5 KB/s (131 KB/s)
you should look at the left (smaller) value since the bandwidth in the parentheses is of inflated data after decompression.