Headers shown in search not groups (wrong crosspost setting)

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Headers shown in search not groups (wrong crosspost setting)

Post by jimzak »


I must be doing something wrong or have a setting in error.

When I search for "2009 remaster" in the newsgroups I get a bunch of listings/articles for a certain 2009 remastered discs.

However, when I look in the newsgroups in question, I do not see these listings/articles.

I can download via the search window so I know they are really there.

What am I doing wrong so that the articles are NOT visible in the newsgroups without using search?

Happy Holidays.
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Post by alex »

What retention is set in edit menu->properties->newsgroups, the topmost "Default" entry, also "the rest" is set to "Delete"? Also check if a different retention is set for the newsgroup in question (if you didn't touch it it is "default"). If retention is not within range - increase it, then it will ask whether you want to download older headers or something like that reply yes.

If the retention is within range, to make it simple you can try to reset the newsgroup (workspace, select newsgroup, reset headers from the context menu), then download headers again.

Alternatively, more complicated if you want to preserve existing headers first check "del" in the quick filter bar if you could mark those headers as deleted in the past. If you don't see them invoke in the workspace, the newsgroup context menu advanced->reset header range and download headers again.

If you still don't see the headers it means the server doesn't have them, it means e.g. their newsgropu header list got corrupted, they don't keep such retention (especially if you did full header reset and there are no older headers at all) or they deleted those particular posts because they are copyrighted (it is relevant especially with larger providers who are more likey to get such notices).

You could also pm me exact coordinates (server/group/post), if I have access to the server I could try to doublecheck it, but in short two cases, you don't see older retention while UE is set to download it - server doesn't keep such retention or second copyright notices and selected posts removed on the server side.

As to search service, even if your server doesn't have the headers, it is well possible the article bodies are still there, so if you get message-ids through some other source (such as UE search service or nzb file) - you are still able to download the article bodies.
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Post by jimzak »

Now I am very disturbed.

I downloaded and installed Xnews (crappy freeware) and I can clearly see the articles in question.

What do you suggest?

Should I just do a clean install?

I guess what is disturbing to me is that I have been using UE for several years and yet the vast array of options is still daunting to me.

This wouldn't be so bad if UE just did what I want it to do, to display and download articles in a few newsgroups. However, for unclear reasons, certain headers are hidden from me which negates the entire purpose of a newsgroup reader.

PS I did a clean install of UE and for whatever reason, the headers are now visible to me. I am still disturbed because I don't know what the problem was as I "solved" it in a very crude way.

I did preserve the old database but I am not using it.
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Post by alex »

Did you define any kill filters in the old database? edit menu->properties->kill filters

Also initial filter would filter the view, edit menu->newsgroups, initial filter.

Not so many ways to hide headers from the view, basically it is retention, filters and deleting purging/headers, retention you told 180 days, headers 8.2 days so no problem, what is left to check filters and deleting /purging.

You can switch to the old database through e.g. edit menu->properties->general, database folder, change.

If it is not filter I asked you in pm about newsgroup destination type, please reread my pm, if database is 5 years old it might well be you could use other than "compact binary" destination type thus purging headers may be an (easily resolvable) issue, it is if you accidentally purged headers. Default settings in the very first versions were more methodical about strict bookkeeping, then they were relaxed with currently no tracking purged by default for all newsgroup types (compact binary type doesn't track purged whatever are the settings).

No magic there, very few ways to limit headers, if you read my replies and try to check out those few options there is no need at all for a clean install.

If you had non-compact binary newsgroup type for not so small newsgroups, it would be better to delete those newsgroups and recreate them with compact binary type (no change type option), loading will be faster and RAM consumption is significantly less.
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Post by jimzak »

I had some kill filters but none were applied to the group in question. I checked and double-checked that.

Initial filter=none

Oops...I just noticed that I had set in kill filters to Discard Crossposted when crossposted to more than 1 newsgroup.

The articles in question were crossposted to several newsgroups.

Do you think that was the problem?

UE is a beast...a powerful beast that is hard to tame sometimes.
alex wrote:Did you define any kill filters in the old database? edit menu->properties->kill filters

Also initial filter would filter the view, edit menu->newsgroups, initial filter.

Not so many ways to hide headers from the view, basically it is retention, filters and deleting purging/headers, retention you told 180 days, headers 8.2 days so no problem, what is left to check filters and deleting /purging.

You can switch to the old database through e.g. edit menu->properties->general, database folder, change.

If it is not filter I asked you in pm about newsgroup destination type, please reread my pm, if database is 5 years old it might well be you could use other than compact binary destination type thus purging headers may be an issue.

No magic there, very few ways to limit headers.
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Post by alex »

what do you expect me to think? :)

if you set UE to discard crossposted to x newsgroups and the headers fall within the definition, it will just discard them.

just try to be careful when you change settings.

if you deleted headers you maybe know they are just marked as deleted but they are still there, so you can see them after checking "del" in the quick filter bar.

but discard in kill filters means headers are filtered out on the very entry, so they don't even reach the database.
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Post by jimzak »

As a side note, when I raised that crosspost setting, approx 30-50% more posts became visible.

It was like a Christmas gift :)
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Post by alex »

By default the option is not set (empty).

I think if you limit it to 4 or 5 maybe you won't be filtering out noticeable amount of valid posts.

There are persistent spam posts with 5 or 6 crossposted groups, usually bloaf, boneless etc., not sure if it is an issue with the lossless newsgroup.
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