Filters, kill or otherwise.

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Joined: Thu Feb 24, 2011 4:53 am

Filters, kill or otherwise.

Post by Dareshiranu »

I admit, I'm a long time user of Explorer, but I've always ignored filters. I'm now using 64bit with lots of ram and loading all the headers for most of the groups I frequent. I'm discovering that I just can't fathom filters. What I'd like to do is remove all posts with German in the subject (for instance) as I'm not a German speaking individual. I've tried to do this to no avail however. A little bit of a clue would be appreciated as the basic info just doesn't get the message across to me apparently.
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Re: Filters, kill or otherwise.

Post by alex »

If you want to completely ignore those headers - create a filter like 'subject contains German'.

Then in edit menu->properties->kill filter add this filter for the "Newsgroups" entry so it will appear in the rightmost pane.

If you don't want to see those headers entering database and taking RAM at all - in the "killer filter action" combo box to the right select "Discard comletely"
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