Downloading To Differant Drive

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Downloading To Differant Drive

Post by boston62 »

I have Music downloads to go to my F: drive, but UE is sending them to my Default drive C:\downloads. Here is a snap shot. Thanks for any help on this.

Think I found the problem, even though I have the VIRTUAL GROUP MUSIC set for F:\MUSIC, the groups below it in blue are set for the default, shouldn't UE have changed those also?
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Re: Downloading To Differant Drive

Post by alex »

Entries are all separate, folders entries are different from newsgroup entries, the default values for save folder (when you install the program) are all "Default", if you change them they will stay as you set them, if UE were trying to derive folder settings from newsgroups then you wouldn't be able to set them manually.
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Re: Downloading To Differant Drive

Post by boston62 »

alex wrote:Entries are all separate, folders entries are different from newsgroup entries, the default values for save folder (when you install the program) are all "Default", if you change them they will stay as you set them, if UE were trying to derive folder settings from newsgroups then you wouldn't be able to set them manually.
Example Folder called MUSIC, all newsgroups in this Folder, I have set to download to F:\Music, now the Default for all other Folders is C:\Download.

Well when I go and download something from Music I thought it would go to the F:\Music, which it wsn't it goes to the Default C:\Downloads.

Thanks for the help.
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