How can i do this ?
I have 3 servers , and all the time it uses the first one . So i guess when a post isn't found on the first server it automatically goes to the second one ?
I haven't changed anything from the servers tab (preferences are the same)
Thank you
Use a fill server
Re: Use a fill server
It will go automatically.
When you add new server it is added under all newsgroups, if you expand a newsgroup in the edit menu->workspace you can see all the servers used for that newsgroup.
If you want to download headers only from one server and use the rest only for article bodies in edit menu->properties->servers uncheck "get headers" for respective servers.
When you add new server it is added under all newsgroups, if you expand a newsgroup in the edit menu->workspace you can see all the servers used for that newsgroup.
If you want to download headers only from one server and use the rest only for article bodies in edit menu->properties->servers uncheck "get headers" for respective servers.