Feature Request: Improved watch(import) folder functionality

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Feature Request: Improved watch(import) folder functionality

Post by semel666 »

Suggestion #1

Is it possible in the future release to make UE have sabnzbd-like watched folder functionality?

For instance, there are several sub-folder in a watched(import) folder (r:\ue\import)

and UE would have a window where one could bind certain "unpack folders" for a specific category with the same names(much like watch\autoheaders)

dvd e:\dvd
dvdrip c:\dvdrips\
bdrip g:\bdrips\olala
bluray j:\bluray
xxx f:\hornydwarf\

so when one saves nzb file into a specific folder UE unpacks it directly to a custom folder.

ii) Suggestion # 2
WHat i have now is :

Default download directory: c:\temp
Search\Import": NZB files- import download & save+ folder out of nzb name
Save\Unpack: unrar to subdir I:\FINAL

1)I choose to downlaod nzb from mysterbin,save it as "Blabla" in c:\UE\import

2) UE starts downloading files into c:\temp\[nzb] Blabla folder.

3) UE unpacks files into I:\FINAL . There is no Blabla

In addition to my watched folder functionality proposal i suggest that UE behaviour is changed to more convenient and normal

1)UE shouldnt add anything to the name of the folder retrieved from the nzme of nzb ( [nzb] )
2) UE should move the whole folder Blabla to the final one

PS though it doesnt help with leaving empty folder in the default download folder and moving just files to a custom set unpack folder =(
its a folder left from nzb not unrar. and ideally it should be moved to globarl custom unrar folder but UE moves only files from this folder created from nzb
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