Feature request -- tab focus order when closing tabs

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Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:49 pm

Feature request -- tab focus order when closing tabs

Post by tomhock »

Pardon me if I'm not describing the parts of the program correctly, but my problem is this. Assume I have several groups open, each with its own tab on the tabbed frame, and perhaps a "Search Service" tab as well. Whenever I select a tab and close it, the focus always jumps to the tab on the far right of the frame, which is the most recently opened tab. I suggest this is the worst possible thing it could do. This prevents me from closing tabs in the order I opened them or from closing any grouping of adjacent tabs without having to reset the focus each time I click the "x." So it takes two steps for each tab I want to close instead of one, and if I'm not paying attention I may easily close the tab I most likely want to keep, the last one I opened. If focus shifted in sequence (that is, each time a tab is closed the focus shifts to an adjacent tab), I would only have to select the first tab in the sequence and then just click the "x" for each successive tab. I don't care in which direction the focus shifts, so long as it doesn't "jump" out of the sequence to a tab on the end. I submit this is a much more logical way for the program to operate. Please let me know if there is a preference setting for this I've missed (and accept my apology for wasting your time), and if someone has an equally strong reason to prefer the current protocol I'd like to hear it. Thanks.
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Re: Feature request -- tab focus order when closing tabs

Post by alex »

You can also close tabs by doubleclicking them, thus it gives the way to close them from left to right.

Focus I don't know exactly, it is the GUI library which sets it, but if a problem I can check it out and check the library source if needed.
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Joined: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:49 pm

Re: Feature request -- tab focus order when closing tabs

Post by tomhock »

The funny thing is that the higher level "group" tabs don't work like the sublevel tabs below the "Search service" tab. If you have performed several searches and have multiple tabs for each search term, as you close them with the "x" at the right, the focus shifts to the tab on the left of the one you just closed. It's only the top level tabs that shift to the most recently opened, or tab on the far right. It's not a big deal, but I would prefer it if the top level tabs behaved like the search term tabs. However, since no one else seems to have mentioned this before and no is agreeing now, maybe this isn't an issue that bothers anyone else.

Thanks for the reply.
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