Headers for reportubg spam/abuse

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Headers for reportubg spam/abuse

Post by LarryM »

Somebody is going thru a lot of trouble to post a lot of RAR'd exe files. The posts all have different subject lines, and the "Author" shows a different name for all the hundreds of posts.

I'd like to report it to Giganews, is there a way to get ALL the header information for articles so I can email it to them?

Posts: 4538
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Re: Headers for reportubg spam/abuse

Post by alex »

if the size is similar you can sort by size, select and purge or delete them.

if you see them to search mark them as spam and let me know.
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Re: Headers for reportubg spam/abuse

Post by LarryM »

That's just it, the guy has done his homework. The posts all have different subject lines with nothing in common, all show a different author, and vary in size somewhat. The only common thing I can see is that they are all single part posts. I don't see anything to uniquely identify them.

Is there some way I could get all the detail headers to show to Giganews? Someone has to be able to track the guy down and get him off the internet.

I didn't understand the sentence about search... If you're asking if they show up in "Search", then yes they do. Search for "Backstabbing Bookworm"
Posts: 4538
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Re: Headers for reportubg spam/abuse

Post by alex »

i've sent you pm.
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