icons colrs

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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Mar 02, 2014 9:52 am

icons colrs

Post by nico75 »


I checked the web site and the started guide but did not find a "complete" list & explanation of all information displayed with UE v4.5

for exemple, what is the meaning of columns and colors on the task manager/articles list
excepted the columns 2 & 4 : priority/subject , that clear for me
what means when the first is checked/unchecked ?
what means when column 4 is black or is read ?

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Re: icons colrs

Post by alex »

Columns may be interchanged.

The first [V] column just shows the header icon exactly as in the newsgroup window.


The column "4" you refer to is the queue status.

If it is the red question sign icon it is in the "download immediately" priority range, see edit menu->properties->tasks, article tasks, download immediately.

As to the rest of the articles marked for download the black man with hat icon will be if the article queue is sorted by priority, and clock icon if the queue is sorted by date.

As to the download immediately priority range the sense is that even the article queue is sorted by date, those articles marked for download immediately will be still sorted by priority and will be placed ahead of the rest of the articles with lower priority sorted by date.



look for "Article download priorities" there.
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