Currently, the only Bandwidth speed available is in the taskmanager.
However, this is the total bandwidth used (also used to calculate an estimate for the download time).
What I would like to have, is a speedmonitor for each configured newsserver. This might be integrated under the Servers-tab and updated together with the update for de bandwidth counter (with f.i. the average speed within the update interval).
That way it will be possible to monitor serverspeeds, to help decide wicht newsserver should be placed higher in the priority-list for optimal usage.
Don't know whether it's something more people would like to see, and if is as simple to integrate as I suggested.
Req: Bandwidth monitor for each configured server
Whilst I rarely need to prioritise each server (ironically just finished a server priority job!), I do need to give priority to various 'net apps and use NetLimiter ( which is excellent. This way I can control say, Get New Headers and prioritise Articles from different Servers whilst ensuring max availability to emails.
Nah, that's not what I want.
It has many more features that I don't want/don't need.
It's also another program all my traffic will be routed through, causing yet more CPU-load I can't spare.
I don't need to divide the available bandwith between applic's. When I need to send an E-mail, Post a message or whatever creates to much traffic to run simultanious with NewsPro, I'll jus pause (or limit) newspro.
I don't share my connection with other PC either.
It has many more features that I don't want/don't need.
It's also another program all my traffic will be routed through, causing yet more CPU-load I can't spare.
I don't need to divide the available bandwith between applic's. When I need to send an E-mail, Post a message or whatever creates to much traffic to run simultanious with NewsPro, I'll jus pause (or limit) newspro.
I don't share my connection with other PC either.