Article Not Found & Newsfeed Retention...

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Article Not Found & Newsfeed Retention...

Post by TheDiggler »

Article Not Found:
Is it me or is Newsfeed just gone down the hill. Is anyone else getting new headers, downloading articles right after and getting 100's of Article Not Found messages? Are messages falling of the Newsfeeds servers that quick? Or am I doing something wrong in Newspro? This has been a problem ever since they made all of there changes. Does anyone have any advice?

Newsfeed Retention:
I wanted to post in here, I know that Newsfeeds has a forum but as of late they don't seem to want to post new forum messages. Today I downloaded a punch of headers. Found articles that were posted on the 8th were only available on the Multimedia servers. I found 1/2 dozen posts (all from different groups and posters) that had this problem. The funny part, the group is not only carried on both Goliath servers but on Cache! Anyone else seen retention drop through the floor on Newsfeeds? Newspro is set to Natural retention.

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Post by alex »

When you got the error did you have open folders or newsgroups or it didn't matter?
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Post by Tha*Lunat!k »

I haven't had many article not available messages lately. In the last half year or so I have witnessed reduced retention, but the same is true for any service. Upgrades tend to come in waves rather than at a constant pace, so at some points retention will be higher and at some points lower.

Since the server rearrangements I have noticed better improvements on a few servers. In the thread ... readid=679 at the Newsfeeds support forum I posted some of my findings regarding retention levels in a few groups.
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Post by voripteth »

:? The strange behaviour that I've seen is getting new headers, selecting an article from the new header only to be told that the article doesn't exist.

If the header scan saw the article, shouldn't it actually be available?

Is a different mechanism used for indexing versus retrieving?
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Post by alex »

if you have the newsgroup open newspro tries it either way.

if you see 'no such article' it is what the server returns, it is possible that the article is in the server index but it doesn't have the body or cannot return it at the moment but some time later it won't be a problem.

in theory you can also see the newspro message 'no servers for this article. try later.' , it is only inside threads, the destination may be added a bit later (you pressed '+' and expanded the thread but some headers were read but weren't added to the newsgroup - but since they are inside the thread they are already shown), in practice one doesn't see it.

maybe the errors are connected to newsfeeds being in the process of upgrading their servers and eventually all will work.
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Post by Tha*Lunat!k »

What server and group is it happening in? I haven't seen anything like this on Newsfeeds. If you issue a Rescan Headers do those headers still show up? I've not had this happen through downloads in regular groups or in XPAT groups.
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Post by TheDiggler »

One of the groups was DVD2SVCD.

As for Alex's ?, I had the my SVCD folder which contains DVD2SVCD and other groups opened when I invoked Get New Headers and when I tried to download article bodies. Was that the answer to your orginal question?

Voripteth, that is exactly what is happening. Get New Headers, selecting a group of articles to download and getting a tone of Article Not Found messages.

As for retention, I understand that the retention is going to throtle from time-to-time. But to have articles falling off servers that are only a few days old seems unexceptable. There have been complaints in the Newsfeed forums that some servers were not getting new articles. If it was'nt for my ISP's 2-4 day retention I would have real problems.
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Post by alex »

did you try to open newsgroups, not folders and then to try downloading again?
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Post by Tha*Lunat!k »

Newsfeeds doesn't seem to have any problem with Message-ID retrieval so far as I have ever seen.

If you do a rescan of headers to they still show up? You'll know for sure that articles are there or not if you issue the rescan.
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Post by TheDiggler »

I have not tried either yet. Will give them both a shot tonight and see what happends.

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