I'm trying to get headers for a new newsgroup using easynews nntp server. If I use Agent it gets all the headers in a couple of minutes without any problems, if I add the group in NewsPro its taking an age, its been going at least 20mins and the progress bar has hardly moved.
Every so often it has a burst of activity and uses the full bandwidth for 20seconds or so then idles again for ages. There are no other programs running, the CPU usage hasnt gone above 10% and the machine has over a gigabyte of RAM available.
Very confused as too what its doing, is there anyway to pull up a log and see if its having trouble talking to Easynews?
In options I've unchecked "Prevent Overhead" and "Below Priority for Network Threads" just incase something else was fighting with it but that made no difference either.
Suggestions appreciated!