Header has been deleted (20015)

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Header has been deleted (20015)

Post by Uno »

I have been getting a lot of "Error NewsPro-Header has been deleted(20015) messages. What causes this, and what can I do to eliminate them. I also notice that in the task window I have pending articles, but when I list pending/failed articles, there is nothing listed.

Thanks for your help..
Posts: 4538
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

You mark something for download, some time afterwards the headers expire on the servers so there is nothing to download. If you introduced other than natural retention and the headers expired due to the retention - you can increase it (or to use a xpat group to get only headers you need), but if the headers indeed expired on servers nothing can be done, ensure tasks menu->sort by date is checked, it may help.
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Post by jsdkr »

I have been having this problem all week with easynews and giganews . Messages were from december . Deleted an all is well . Thought the thing was broke until I looked at the date finally . I always figure this stuff out after I have changed all the setting in the program too .

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Post by dengle »

so, shouldn't there be pending tasks somewhere to generate theses "header has been deleted" errors? My task list is empty. I even reset the database and I'm still seeing them.

Any suggestions?
Posts: 4538
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

press the red question sign on the toolbar (or task menu->clear errors) to clear all errors. the errors are reported when headers expire between marked for download and the download itself.
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