Newsfeeds basic account and unlimited day
Newsfeeds basic account and unlimited day
I can use news-east and news-west servers every day and the unlimited server only on thursday. How do I set up Newspro best for that? Can I download headers from news-east and news-west during the week and download the bodies from the unlimited server on thursday (my unlimited day)?
you set one (or two but it will take more space) server to download headers properties->servers->don't get headers for remaining server(s), and also setr the remaining server(s) as message-id direct (also properties->servers the same area).
if you don't want to download bodies from east/west servers on thursday there is also check box 'don't get bodies'.
the 'On' checkbox above the options mentioned disable the corresponding options for all servers, e.g. you want to download headers from all servers you just uncheck 'On' above 'don't get headers'.
also you can keep all settings for unlimited intact, just disable it when you don't have access to it (in the workspace, servers pane, select it, and from context menu invoke 'disable server').
if you don't want to download bodies from east/west servers on thursday there is also check box 'don't get bodies'.
the 'On' checkbox above the options mentioned disable the corresponding options for all servers, e.g. you want to download headers from all servers you just uncheck 'On' above 'don't get headers'.
also you can keep all settings for unlimited intact, just disable it when you don't have access to it (in the workspace, servers pane, select it, and from context menu invoke 'disable server').