'Show parts' doesn't appear to work

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Josef K
Posts: 534
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'Show parts' doesn't appear to work

Post by Josef K »

This is pretty self-explanatory: The 'Show parts' button is not working for me.

This is neither on the toolbar, nor the menu. I noticed it in the last version but didn't get around to posting here. Could it be due to not letting the toolbars reset when installing a new version? Sometimes I just can't muster the energy to remember which custom buttons I've made and where and then having to replace them all.
Josef K
Posts: 534
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 7:29 pm

Post by Josef K »

Hmm. It works now.

The only difference between trying it yesterday and just now is that one day has passed. UE has been restarted between these two times which hadn't solved this the other times I've noticed it.
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Post by alex »

for compact binary groups the part mode is not available unless the partial is loaded (e.g. when you mark it for download it is loaded).

for other types of groups parts are readily available so they can be shown.

i didn't went into drawing the plus sign and loading partial when you expand it, in principle it can be done.

i was preoccupied with a bug report from a week ago in the development section (the cause is already found), because of that didn't reply yesterday.
Josef K
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Post by Josef K »

OK. Now I've seen moments where some articles show parts while others do not. This is true for articles that are on the same page (same view/filters, visible on screen together at the same time). Clicking the button makes some articles show parts (plus sign appears) while others that are near do not.

I can't see anything in particular that could be causing this.
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Post by alex »

the program just tries to save memory. when parts are loaded you can see them. when you mark articles for download or they have bodies they are always loaded, but otherwise it just maybe. it could be refined further (properties or showing the + sign), just it is how it works now.
Josef K
Posts: 534
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Post by Josef K »

I made the post above just as you were replying...
alex wrote:for compact binary groups the part mode is not available unless the partial is loaded
I see some articles showing parts while others don't where the groups are compact binary. In fact these articles I'm seeing this with are in the exact same group:

Newsgroup: alt.binaries.games (regular, compact binary)
alex wrote:(e.g. when you mark it for download it is loaded).
You say 'e.g.' - what other situations might an article be loaded? In the case I mention above, UE is just sitting there - nothing downloading and nothing marked but paused or anything like that. They are just on screen.

EDIT: OK, it gets confusing posting replies just as the other does. This isn't an essential thing for me to have (showing parts) but it has been something I'd like to use occasionally. Better that you concentrate on any bugs than try to figure out what I find a bit odd or inconsistent... :)
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Post by alex »

the algorithm is to keep memory usage low, not absolute minumum since it would take too much resources but some small overhead per group. so you may see parts loaded for some partials in compact binary group, to make it minimum use the compact binary submenu in the workspace newsgroup context menu.

if you don't download headers try to mark partial you are interested in for download and then cancel, parts should be loaded for some time (i think so).
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