Max Header Tasks Per Server?

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Gary Gnews
Posts: 90
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2004 11:58 pm

Max Header Tasks Per Server?

Post by Gary Gnews »

Maybe I don't understand how to use the existing settings, but I don't see a way to limit the number of header tasks on a particular server to be fewer than the max tasks for that server. In other words, if I have a server that allows 8 connections, I would like that server to use only 7 of the 8 connetions when downloading headers. This would allow me one connection to download articles from that same server without having to wait for a group's new headers to finish downloading first.

I understand that I can prioritize downloading tasks to take priority over header tasks, but if I open an article while all connections are busy downloading headers, then I still have to wait for a group to finish before my article will be opened. Am I missing something?

-- GG
Posts: 4543
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:57 pm

Post by alex »

there is no such limiter in properties, it would be very easy to add, but then need more space in the properties dialog; in principle could use the headers/bodies check box space although it would be a bit cryptic.

you can cancel header task(s) and then it will download article bodies, when downloading headers it starts at the point it was interrupted so there will be no overhead.
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