As an old NP user, I used to run mutliple instances of NP with different databases.
Now with UE, is it better (in term of system resource and stability wise) to run multiple instances of UE with different databases or one instance of UE with one big database ?
Thank you for your help.
Multiple instances of UE
as it stands right now newspro maybe a bit more reliable than ue or the as to time between crashes. i estimate average time between ue crashes for a user is now maybe 100-200 days, because of the recent frequent version changes it is difficult to estimate, in the following days i'll have more exact numbers, but it will be improved further without doubt when i have more crash statistics. with newspro i had more time to analyze crashes, but ue has somewhat stronger design.
in newspro i remember it was about 3 months on average.
but ue has another property which newspro doesn't, as a rule it is fully fault tolerant and saves all data after crash (in newspro it is not possible to achieve without restart since such things should be inherent to internal design), newspro cannot save data starting from the be beginning of the session or save database&restart up to the crash point with the exception of bodies.
so it follows that you can pretty safely run a single database, for time to time you can backup reg.dat from the settings directory somewhere so you have all settings backup, in case of e.g. hard drive dies (i didn't hear that the settings were lost, ue uses its own custom registry in a file - all my code - to handle settings).
in newspro i remember it was about 3 months on average.
but ue has another property which newspro doesn't, as a rule it is fully fault tolerant and saves all data after crash (in newspro it is not possible to achieve without restart since such things should be inherent to internal design), newspro cannot save data starting from the be beginning of the session or save database&restart up to the crash point with the exception of bodies.
so it follows that you can pretty safely run a single database, for time to time you can backup reg.dat from the settings directory somewhere so you have all settings backup, in case of e.g. hard drive dies (i didn't hear that the settings were lost, ue uses its own custom registry in a file - all my code - to handle settings).