Searching newsgroups for a header help needed

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Searching newsgroups for a header help needed

Post by plasmannc »

This is probably something simple but having not done this I need help.

How do I find an article in a newsgroup? Lets say I am trying to find something in a group that has been retained for 30 days. I could ofcourse dl'd all of the headers for the time frame from the newsgroup.

Is there a way to enter some seach string that will only find and dl the selected headers?

Hoping this makes sense to all.

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Post by jaapf »

Yes, it's called Xpat.

To use Xpat you create a new "newsgroup" and make it type "searchgroup".
You can use a searchstring (wildmats allowed) and even boolean wildmats (if enabled in "properties").
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Post by plasmannc »


Thanks for the reply. Got the seach group set but have one more question. If I want all instances of a subject line that happened in the last 60 days or up to max retention how would I set that in the dialogue box.

I tried to entries the first being*

Would this give me everything that contained abc and was less than 60 days old?

BTW I wish I could read Dutch since your UE info page looks great. Any chance you might be translating into english?

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Post by jaapf »

running the test looks a bit off.....
(I didn't use this yet).

The subject part works fine, howerver, the date does not appear to do anything.... and all headers wich score on the subject appear....

There are two way's I could make it work:

- setting the retention of the group to 60 days will ommit anything older.
- adding the <5 condition in the Quick Filter bar....

Problem with both is that the server will be searched from all its headers in both cases, which could take a while on a large group....

You could consider using a indexing service to search.
That will probably be a lot faster.

Mayby Alex (or someone else has an idea why this does not work?)

Anyway, the English version of the tutorial will be online soon.
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