Suspended Save Queue Bug?

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Suspended Save Queue Bug?

Post by Stoker »

Alex - Let me start by saying thanks for the BEST NNTP newsreader family (NP and UE) bar none!

I run UE one my news aquisition machine and do saves to an ethernet attached machine that I use for storage the saved attachments. I use MS drive shareing for this arrangement. This morning I noticed that UE had suspended the save queue as a result of runing out of space on the save target machine. As a result of the save queue being suspended, my database directory on my aquisition machine grew causing UE to suspend the download queue. All this worked as designed. My problem is this: After clearing space on the target save machine I attempted to un-suspend the save queue. It refused to start saving. I had to quit UE and reload UE before I could start saving attachments.

An inconvience that I can live with but I wanted to make you and others aware...

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Post by alex »

the save queue was suspended due to exception, it couldn't write to the target drive.

if the target drive is not the database drive it won't resume saving automatically, you need to unsuspend the save queue manually and if the top item to save is going to the target drive it should start saving (but if the top item is going e.g. to the database drive and the database drive falls below free space limit it won't start saving, the program saves attachments in the queue order).

in very old versions the problem was the opposite, if the database drive was full it didn't save to other drives, but how it works currently you can change save destination or reorder the save queue and it will save to another drive, in your scenario all should work (it was added to prevent the situation when you cannot free more space on the database drive).

check you freed space on the right drive, in the moment you unsuspend the queue (unchecking tasks menu->suspend save queue and specifically in your case the topmost item is not database drive) it should try to continue saving right away, at least it should report file exception before suspending the queue again. what do you mean by "refused to start saving"?
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Post by alex »

i have bere a small partition especially to test that contdition, i get the message "Save queue suspended. Disk full while accessing..." so i've just verified it here again.

then i delete some files, unpress "suspend save queue" toolbar button (same as the option in the edit menu), and it works until it is full again.

i checked it in the low database space condition (the small partition is used as save target directory, the database is on another partition with low space threshold hit), all works here, i only noticed a problem it doesn't allow you to resume saving until the last file buffer is flushed (so it is needed to free a little space on the full target partition if you didn't free it but intend to use another partition to continue saving by changing the save path directing files to another drive), i'll check that, anyway it gives warning box what it needs, also including the full disk path.

in your case maybe instead of deleting files you put them into recycle bin, then it could be no actual disk space was freed.
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Post by Stoker »

When I said "refused to start saving" I meant that I could not depress the "Suspend save queue" button on the tool bar. I did not attempt to restart saving by going to tasks>Suspend save queue. Perhaps that would have worked where the button did not?

I did have a warning dialog box showing at the time - the exact wording escapes me at this time however. I do remember that my save path was very long and noted at that time that I could not read anything past a certain number of characters in the quoted path. If any information followed the save path I could not have read it.

Regarding the recycle bin, yes, I did clear out the recycle bin. I had >4gig free on the save target drive when I attempted to restart saving. Like I said, after shutting UE down and restarting UE, I was able to press the "Suspend save queue" button on the tool bar and resume saving.
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Post by alex »

the only case when you cannot depress the save button is when in the "save" pane of the task manager the topmost entry is being saved to the database drive and the database drive hit its free space threshold (properties->general, suspend when disk xxxx MB left).

otherwise while depressing the suspend save queue button you'll always get an error message box with the path where it refuses to save.

try to reproduce it, maybe you missed you were saving something to the database drive as well, did you check the save queue?
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Post by Stoker »

Thank you for all your suggestions Alex.

I don't save attachments to my database drive so it could not have been the problem. I did check the save queue and saw nothing unexpected. Could it have been UE itself that was trying to save something to the database drive? I do have both "Save all" and "Save queue" set to 60 minutes on the "General" tab of the properties dialog. Could this condition cause a lock that you describe?

I will keep my eyes open for this happening again.

Thanks again Alex.
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Post by alex »

no save all is not related to saving attachments, it is rather saving settings, queue and newsgroups (so it doesn't make sense to set "save all" and "save queue" to the same time since the program will ignore "save queue" if it is less frequent than "save all" interval sinice "save all" includes "save queue").

you can try to reproduce it somehow, i'll only fix the glitch i've noticed, with writing to full drive the last buffer after changing the save destination with giving the error box unless a little space has been freed on the full drive.
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Post by Stoker »

Alex - I recreated the environment but could not recreate the problem. Consider the matter closed. Thanks for your attention to this.
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Post by alex »

i fixed here the problem i noticed with the full drive, i'm using buffered file to make things faster and as i thought it tried to write the last buffer before closing the file as it still was open on the next save in the conditions of the full disk.

now it will close and delete the last (supposedly partially saved) attachment saving which caused the system file exception and changing the path from the full drive to another drive won't cause another disk full box.
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