can you look into this:
When you use the import&download or with the import&download&save that the target directory is by default the same folder as were you pick up the nzb file? or that it is possible to configure this by some flags.
target (save) folder
the target save directory is set in properties->newsgroups, you can set it for the import group.
the directory where you pick up the nzb files is something different, UE just remembers the last directory.
if you arrange directory hierarchy properly you can choose the target directory manually with one click (if to put everything under the same root and to define the root as the save directory for the import group so it will ask for save directory with selecting the root).
adding a dedicated option is unlikely (too many options dilemma).
the directory where you pick up the nzb files is something different, UE just remembers the last directory.
if you arrange directory hierarchy properly you can choose the target directory manually with one click (if to put everything under the same root and to define the root as the save directory for the import group so it will ask for save directory with selecting the root).
adding a dedicated option is unlikely (too many options dilemma).
UE remembers the last save directory. I have a folder download and in that folder i make different folders with the name for each item i want to downloaded. in these subfolders I store the nzb for that collection.
now when I use the import -> download&save option I point to the specific subfolder and choose the nzb. Then UE ask for the save folder and in my case it's always the same folder as the import folder and not my last save folder because thats a different download collection.
now when I use the import -> download&save option I point to the specific subfolder and choose the nzb. Then UE ask for the save folder and in my case it's always the same folder as the import folder and not my last save folder because thats a different download collection.
currently there are two options to set save folder for the import group (and other groups).
first, if you set it to "default" it will point you to the last save folder.
second, if you set it to something else than default it will always point you to that folder.
the folder where you pick up nzb is something different and kept separatedly so it will point you to the last folder where you picked up nzb (it doesn't have any connection to save folders).
first, if you set it to "default" it will point you to the last save folder.
second, if you set it to something else than default it will always point you to that folder.
the folder where you pick up nzb is something different and kept separatedly so it will point you to the last folder where you picked up nzb (it doesn't have any connection to save folders).