donwloading restarts all the time

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donwloading restarts all the time

Post by aal »

When i'm downloading a big file (a seperated .rar file or something) the download doesnt continues but it all the time restarts.
So i get a download rate of 100 and then 0 for a second than its back to 80 and after 3 seconds its 0 again

in the console i get a very very long list of this

Launch<tweak> "Filename"
succes<tweak> "Filname"
Launch<tweak> "Filename"
succes<tweak> "Filname"
Launch<tweak> "Filename"
succes<tweak> "Filname"
Launch<tweak> "Filename"
succes<tweak> "Filname"
All those filenames are the same file ...

Can someone tell me the cause of this or help me anyway
please thanks.
greats Alex.
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Post by jaapf »

I don't think it's the same message you download.

A rar-file is splitted in small chunks (articles). Depending on the size of the chunks one single rar file could be divided in hundreds of small articles. So you would typically get the long list in your console.
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Post by alex »

yes console shows every part, it is like fast changing low level log which shows every article task physically launched, it means parts, so e.g. if a partial (a single entry in the header list with green colored icon) consists of 100 parts you'll see a message in the console per every part so 200 or so (launch+success).

you can see parts in the parts mode in the header list as well, file menu->default toolbar->show parts (but they are not shown for all newsgroups types always, but e.g. they can be shown when you mark something for download for any newsgroup type).

or you can ignore console and look at the "articles" pane, there the list doesn't show parts but only whole partials.
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