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Re: Par2 files gone, unrar fails (corrupted files - USB driv

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 4:35 am
by alex
peelsequal wrote:Yes, lately on large, multi-part posts the rar's written to my USB are reported as corrupted by WinRAR, incomplete by Quickpar, although the part/files listed in the UE search pane indicate it's not incomplete.

Even smaller ones. In a small post with pars and 7 .avi's the first .avi would always be incompete, until I used <Download Bodies>, let that complete and then <Save Attachments> in separate steps.

For consiracy theorists: This started happening (to me) as aoon as I receieved my "licence expiring in <n> days" messages for UE. :wink:
Is it win7 64 bit as well?

The change was UE with bypass database storage capability writes in multiple streams into the destination drive directly.
Previuos versions wrote multiple streams into the database drive, but it was a single stream when saving, but also take into account that even the database was on the USB drive and if it is some win7 or hardware bug triggered by multiple writing streams to blame - when saving in single stream UE would find the corruption (still if the database is on the same USB drive and downloads are going on - the save stream is not a single stream then so then it could be corrupted in the same way). In short if something like that you can try to uncheck bypass database storage in edit menu->properties->save/unpack, save and it may reduce the probability of corruptions happening.

Also try to look general information about this kind of problem, maybe you just need to update some driver.

Re: Par2 files gone, unrar fails (corrupted files - USB driv

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:16 pm
by james_k_p
Did you ever talk in email/PM to peelsequal Alex if he was on Win7 64bit?

My new computer just came in today. Over time I will do large downloads with it and see what differences I see and will report back here.

It has a USB 3.0 controller and I have a new Western Digital 3TB 3.0 USB drive that I will be doing most of my downloads onto it. Of course my new system will be win7 64bit Ult as well.

I'll probably end up putting that usb 2.0 toshiba drive on it as well that most of my downloads were to that were messed up and see what happens on a different system with different controllers.

Just recently for note, I downloaded about 8 file collections of 8gigs each to this new WD 3TB drive I mentioned above on my current system and only one set exibited the problem, the others successfully unrared and were ready to go.

I haven't done any large 30gig+ tests with it yet..but I will :).

Re: Par2 files gone, unrar fails (corrupted files - USB driv

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:06 pm
by alex
What I suggest if there are USB hardware problems with low probability and the connection is below 80mbps or ultrafast download speed is not critical (I think so otherwise instead of USB one would use raid) - disable bypass database storage, the save will be mostly a single stream and the probability faults will be reduced further.

If there is no corruption when writing to one device and there is corruption when writing to another - it is not possible to "fix" since it happens beyond the application scope, what is left only tweaking available options to reduce the probability, or even better to use the properly functioning device.

Re: Par2 files gone, unrar fails (corrupted files - USB driv

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:46 pm
by zlatan24
For repair outlook there are many effective ways such as rar fix. Which owns possibilities for working under all major Windows OS, starts under low system requirements. It doesn't change source rar archive info during recovering.

Re: Par2 files gone, unrar fails (corrupted files - USB driv

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:27 pm
by mrqaffe
Why doesnt ue keep all the par files until its verified the unpack? now it deletes par before unrar, if the verify fail it gives a notice about it but you still have to redownload the pars, i think it should keep pars until the werify after unrrar shows that the unrar is ok, that would be a much mor logical behaviour.