Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:05 pm
Sorry I forgot to post thHi Michael,
try to run this compilation, in the same circumstances when the original .exe throws the (1) error.
probably this one will give (2) (3) (4) or (5), let me know what it is exactly.
if you see 2 to 5 instead of 1 error try to describe what other applications you have installed on your computer and if you had any crashes send me errorlog.txt from the newspro database directory (you see the directory when you invoke file menu->switch database - then press cancel and just email the file from this location).
It seems in one-two days all will be back to normal here so there will be no delays and I'll be back on forum (just want to be sure here first).
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 1:40 AM
Subject: Please help-Urgent-Michael Bullard
Hi Thank you for all of your counsel. I am mighty grateful,here.
I am pasting my latest herewith for you to analyse.
Here is the way my line,within recoverable errors, looks at the moment;
My problem is that despite the fact that I have entered 20019 at the end -which is because of
viewing this in the task manager- "Newspro-No servers for this article yet-try later (20019)"
My NewsPro XPAT attempts continue to hang over and over at this error above. Please help me.
elikas1@comcast.net Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:01 pm Post subject: Please help me...please it's mighty important,here
Hi First,I need to say: Thank you again and again,Alex. I am so very,
very grateful for all of your help. Alex,I'm sending you a reply to
your latest e-mail you sent me. With deepest contrition, I must plead
ignorance. I cannot understand this e-mail. I do not understand the
instructions you are trying to give me. Will you please re-write these
instructions in a simplified way so that I can follow your technical coun-
sel succesfully?
Most Respectfully,
(Bye the Bye Alex included a file in his latest correspondence contained
herewith) This file is named NewsPro.zip
Do you,Alex,intend for me to uninstall NewsPro completely?
Is this file a file I must use to re-install NewsPro?
If this is the case,must I utilise the original key that was distributed to me through the e-mail by you all? Thanks
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e e-mail here...
try to run this compilation, in the same circumstances when the original .exe throws the (1) error.
probably this one will give (2) (3) (4) or (5), let me know what it is exactly.
if you see 2 to 5 instead of 1 error try to describe what other applications you have installed on your computer and if you had any crashes send me errorlog.txt from the newspro database directory (you see the directory when you invoke file menu->switch database - then press cancel and just email the file from this location).
It seems in one-two days all will be back to normal here so there will be no delays and I'll be back on forum (just want to be sure here first).
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael
To: Alex Birj
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 1:40 AM
Subject: Please help-Urgent-Michael Bullard
Hi Thank you for all of your counsel. I am mighty grateful,here.
I am pasting my latest herewith for you to analyse.
Here is the way my line,within recoverable errors, looks at the moment;
My problem is that despite the fact that I have entered 20019 at the end -which is because of
viewing this in the task manager- "Newspro-No servers for this article yet-try later (20019)"
My NewsPro XPAT attempts continue to hang over and over at this error above. Please help me.
elikas1@comcast.net Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:01 pm Post subject: Please help me...please it's mighty important,here
Hi First,I need to say: Thank you again and again,Alex. I am so very,
very grateful for all of your help. Alex,I'm sending you a reply to
your latest e-mail you sent me. With deepest contrition, I must plead
ignorance. I cannot understand this e-mail. I do not understand the
instructions you are trying to give me. Will you please re-write these
instructions in a simplified way so that I can follow your technical coun-
sel succesfully?
Most Respectfully,
(Bye the Bye Alex included a file in his latest correspondence contained
herewith) This file is named NewsPro.zip
Do you,Alex,intend for me to uninstall NewsPro completely?
Is this file a file I must use to re-install NewsPro?
If this is the case,must I utilise the original key that was distributed to me through the e-mail by you all? Thanks
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e e-mail here...