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Global Search and Scheduling Headers download

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 2:38 pm
by TheCow
How do you do Global Search (similar to the one in NP) in Usenet Explorer ?
I notice that Global View only open headers in open groups plus bodies/pending/errors in all other groups.

Now that the scheduler is already implemented, how can I schedule new headers download ?

Thank you for all your help and all the good works.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:08 pm
by alex
you need to load all groups you want to search then they all will be shown in the global view. ue cannot search on disk among unloaded newsgroups.

scheduler by itself can be only used as a kind of advanced bandwidth limiter (see help notes).

i want to add the rest of newspro functionality asap, but because it cannot be added directly i need to think how to imlement it (no 'select' 'apply to all' etc., not completely clear what to do with the newspro 'message filter dialog') right now i'm trying to figure that out.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:21 am
by TheCow
Now I am wondering what is the advantage and disadvantage of the various Newsgroup initial load states ? I believe the default is Unload. Would it be better if I change it to Auto ?

Thank you for your support.