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Multiple Prioviders

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 3:52 pm
by stevendm
I am a very happy user of UE and have been a long-time NP user.

I an currently using NewsFeeds as my provider. But NewsFeeds includes headers in my DL quota. I have an ISP provided newsserver that I do not use because of privacy concerns, retention, completion, etc. How well would UE work to pull headers (every day) from my ISP and use NewsFeeds to actually dl the message bodies. I would not want to pull ANY bodies from my ISP.

I think UE will do this fine, but I would like actual experiences from people. Is there anything I need to watch for to make sure that I don't miss anything?


Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 12:29 pm
by jaapf
Should not be a problem.

You can configur your ISP server to only get headers (so don't get body's) and Newsfeeds to do the opposite.

You can even make UE automatically download headers.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:53 pm
by stevendm
Thanks for the info. I tried and it seems to work.

But, saying that, I have decided I don't need to. I am sick and tired of NewsFeeds botched up binary messages. I am switching to an unlimited account somewhere else. That way header downloads aren't a concern.


Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:13 am
by stevendm
Hey jaapf, how do I get UE to automatically download headers every hour?


Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:52 pm
by Gary Gnews
stevendm wrote:Hey jaapf, how do I get UE to automatically download headers every hour?

I can answer that for ya since I'm here ATM. :)

Edit->Properties->Watch/Auto (tab)

- Make sure the "Headers" option box is checked under "enable"
- Fill in the "Get Headers Every (blank) minutes" box (60 for every hour)
- Apply that setting to "Newsgroups" for ALL newsgroups, or individual folders or groups as you choose.

Hope this helps!