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Can I specify which server to download from

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 1:54 am
by stevendm
I have a large newsgroup where I want to dl some messages from my isp and some messages from my paid provider.

1) Can I simply specify which server to dl from? I have seen nothing that obviously allows me to do this.

2) Can I create two folders and have the same newsgroup in both? I could then detach all serves but my isp in folder 1 and all servers but my paid provider in folder 2, thus allowing me to specify which serve to dl from. This is more trouble, but might work.

Do you any thoughts on this matter?


Re: Can I specify which server to download from

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 10:27 pm
by Rodent
stevendm wrote: 1) Can I simply specify which server to dl from? I have seen nothing that obviously allows me to do this.
Under Properties > Servers you can set server priorities under "Preference". "Strict" means only that server will be used if articles are available on it. If they are not, it will download from one ot the others if they have them, and according to which priority they have.

You can also detach certain groups from certain servers and vice versa (expand group or server list, right click on group or server, "Detach" group or server), this way you can control which groups are downloaded from which server.


What happens when my download limit is reached?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:35 am
by adityanm
It the first server which has high priority stops downloading due to daily download limit being exceeded, will the second server pick up where the first one stopped?

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:16 am
by jaapf

That's what priority's do.

Remember to check "strict" at the server settings!