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No scrolling when deleting

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:26 pm
by ilias
Ok, let's see how I can describe this: When you delete, say, 300 articles and they disappear from the list, the whole listing scrolls down, so the user has to scrool up again to find the place he/she was.

This happens to me all the time, because I tend to delete and "clean up" my groups. It's time-consuming and, worse, disorienting trying to find where you where.

I think, when doing a delete, UE should remember the article just before the one that got deleted (or the range), and return the view back to that. The effect would be that when you delete articles, the articles below the deleted range should get pushed "up" to "meet" you in the listing (I don't know if I am describing this right).

This is not just UE's behavior, NewsPro works the same way.

It may not sound like a priority in Alex's todo list, but it would certainly make life a lot easier, especially for users who delete a lot (like me). If it doesn't take much to implement it (code- and time-wise) it may be worthwhile to add it.


Re: No scrolling when deleting

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:04 am
by Rodent
ilias wrote: I think, when doing a delete, UE should remember the article just before the one that got deleted (or the range), and return the view back to that. The effect would be that when you delete articles, the articles below the deleted range should get pushed "up" to "meet" you in the listing (I don't know if I am describing this right).
I agree, it's quite annoying. So I'll second your suggestion.