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Sorting by clicking on appropriate column

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:11 pm
by Leechmonkey
Alex, I know you can sort by priority or by date when downloading but why not implement something that is more flexible by giving us the ability to click on any column?

Let's say I want to download based on:
1) sort by subject
2) sort by age
3) sort by poster
4) sort by priority
5) sort by size

All I need to do is click by appropriate column. I just thought it would be more intuitive that way.

Just a thought.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:15 pm
by alex
it is just the reflection of the queue, because it is download queue which has a certain order.

to see it in other sort orders you can use edit menu->global view and then filter 'queued' (or whatever filter you like e.g. queued+errors) and see the headers in every way.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:19 pm
by Leechmonkey
if i do that and i close it out when i'm done, it would mark all read right? also, everytime i have to sort, I have to do the global view, filter, then sort?

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:21 pm
by alex
no, for global views i, naturally, made an exception, it would be not so clever otherwise.

your just invoke global view and check "queued" in the quick filter it is all.

you can keep it while the program is running, just name it e.g. "queued articles".

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:26 pm
by Leechmonkey
Ok, I just tried it and sorted by age. It sorted the global view but it didn't change the Download queue sorting.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:31 pm
by alex
yes, because queue and your view of queued headers are different things.

queue can be rearranged only by priority or by date with some special behaviour for download immediately/later.

if you want to rearrange the queue itself you just select and drag items in the list (but if the queue is sorted by date you should drag them outside the sorted by date range of priorities since the range is like automatically sorted).

you should discern download queue and header view these are different things optimized for different purposes.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 3:55 pm
by Leechmonkey
Right, that's what I thought. I just thought I read from your previous statement that I can do this by global view.

Which brings me to my original statement, are there any plans to implement a more dynamic way of rearranging queues just by clicking on age, subject, dates rather than strictly by priortiy or by date?

Dragging and dropping is fine if I have a few stuff but my queue can be as large as thousands of files at one time and I usually would love to sort by subject - not by date (unless it's about to expire) or priority.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:25 pm
by alex
technically it is not a problem, but i didn't think whether to add it and noone asked for such a thing before (i don't see compelling reason why e.g. articles with subject or author going first in the alphabetic order should be downloaded first as well).

when you mark for download usually downloads arranged in order in the queue (i mean the same set of articles goes one after another when you sort queue by priority or the queue range sorted by priority) and different priorities are supposed to reflect what you want to download first.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:50 am
by Leechmonkey
hi alex. Here's my request and justification :)

I'll give you an example why the sort queue (dynamically) would help.

Let's say I see 3 movies that I like.

1st movie is completely posted
2nd movie is not completely posted yet
3rd movie is not completely posted either

So I queue (all of them normal priority) 1st movie.
Now my queue has 80 rar files.
Then I queue what's available of 2nd movie
Then I queue what's available of 3rd movie

Now, I go to Xbox games and see 3 xbox games I like.
1st game is complete
2nd game is not complete
3rd game is not complete

So I go and queue 1st game with 80 rar files
then I queue what's available of 2nd game
then I queue what's available of 3rd game

Now my queue looks like this:
movie 1 complete
movie 2 some rars
movie 3 some rars
game 1 complete
game 2 some rars
game 3 some rars

After 2 hours, all the posts are complete so I queue movie 2, movie 3, game 2, game 3

now my queue looks like this
movie 1 complete
movie 2 some rars
movie 3 some rars
game 1 complete
game 2 some rars
game 3 some rars
movie 2 rest of rars
movie 3 rest of rars
game 2 rest of rars
game 3 rest of rars

If I want to group them all together again, I have to keep selecting and grouping all similar games, and movies together. If I have the option to just select sort by poster, or sort by subject, then they will all automatically sort properly.

After which, selecting and dragging would be a lot easier because all I have to do is hit the start of game 2 and select the last rar of game 2. without sorting it by subject, I have to select some rars, move them, select another number of rars and move it next to the previous ones.

If my queue is around 1000+ files, it would take me forever. I hope the example help illustrate the problem :) Thanks!