Headers downloads from binary groups always show incompletes

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Headers downloads from binary groups always show incompletes

Post by zepto »

I have just switched to UE from NP. Downloaded header from binary groups show many incompletes using UE but with NP I do not have any problem. What's wrong with my setup. I have tried most of the suggestions from the forums.
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Post by alex »

if you don't want UE to show incompletes uncheck properties->general->show incomplete partials by default.

if you use rescan headers, UE is better in this regard than newspro since if server adds articles out of order you can check properties->general->rescan headers->rescan only x last headers, it is much faster than full rescan, so once you may try full "rescan headers" to see whether the incompletes will be gone but then set the rescan last headers option and if it is a serious problem with the server use rescan instead of get new headers.

also maybe you set auto download headers with rescan every n-th time in newspro and set auto download headers in UE but didn't set rescan (edit menu->properties->general->watch/auto).

try to give more detais if it is something else, also you may try to reset newsgroup and download headers with both programs from the same server in the same time, the result should generally be the same, since server in both cases returns the same headers.

if it is temporary problem with the server, you can also "fill" specific headers you are interested in (not everything) through the search service, since i feed it from several servers it is very likely you'll get all complete.
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Post by zepto »

alex wrote:if you don't want UE to show incompletes uncheck properties->general->show incomplete partials by default.
I do want UE to show incompletes.

I have done a rescan on both UE and NP and still get incompletes with UE but not with NP.

if you use rescan headers, UE is better in this regard than newspro since if server adds articles out of order you can check properties->general->rescan headers->rescan only x last headers, it is much faster than full rescan, so once you may try full "rescan headers" to see whether the incompletes will be gone but then set the rescan last headers option and if it is a serious problem with the server use rescan instead of get new headers.

also maybe you set auto download headers with rescan every n-th time in newspro and set auto download headers in UE but didn't set rescan (edit menu->properties->general->watch/auto).

try to give more detais if it is something else, also you may try to reset newsgroup and download headers with both programs from the same server in the same time, the result should generally be the same, since server in both cases returns the same headers.

I have done a rescan on both UE and NP and still get incompletes with UE but not with NP.

if it is temporary problem with the server, you can also "fill" specific headers you are interested in (not everything) through the search service, since i feed it from several servers it is very likely you'll get all complete.

In NP, I note in properties that the various parts are downloaded from several servers when all parts are not on a single server. I use Newsfeeds and have access to several servers. Does UE also look for all parts on more than one servers if some parts are missing from some servers? I'm just trying to figure out what is happening and to understand the whole process. Lot to learn!

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Post by alex »

ensure you entered all newsfeeds servers with the right password.

in UE in the task manager below in the "headers" pane you should see it downloading from all newsfeeds servers, otherwise there should be an error in the errors "?" pane (the question sign will become red) with the server in question and the error message.

the simplest comparison is run both newspro and UE, reset the newsgroup in question in both programs and then invoke "get new headers", when it is complete you should see the same headers in both programs.

apart from not entering all newsservers or using wrong userid/pass i don't see any persistent reason why different headers would be downloaded (but if you are talking about different time it might be a temporary server issue).
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