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Global view changes v1.2.6

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 6:52 pm
by hholland
Global view presents itself OK, but when new headers are added as a result of one of the conference watch filters, the view changes to only a select group of collections.

Global view does not remember cursor setting (top/bottom) and sort order.

Global view has become a great tool for me now with the new 'collections'. :)


Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:14 am
by alex
is it a request or reporting a problem? (i mean the first sentence about when new headers are added). can you elaborate?

i now see indeed global view doesn't remember sort/order, just there is no code to do that, i'll try to add it.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:42 am
by hholland
Kinda hard to explain what might be causing it, but; the 'global view' flip-flops occasionally and will not show all collections/files. It seems to only show selected collections/files that I have delt with recently.

Clear as Elba mud huh? :)

To make it simple, the view comes up OK, showing ALL, then changes for no apparant reason and shows only a few items.

This may be unique to me, but I hope not :)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 2:46 am
by alex
if you press the "show collections" button twice it shows everything again? if you uncheck "enable collections" in properties->general and restart the program does it happen as well?

what are other settings threads (the blue plus sign toolbar button) are enabled or not?

maybe you have "new" checked in the quick filter bar?

how long it takes until the view starting showing only few items?

also if a newsgroup is unloaded (it may happen when it finished download headers and it is not open separatedly, although the behaviour can be changed in settings) the associated entries will disappear from global view.

if not that try to email me some screenshots :)

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:03 am
by hholland
Toggling "Show Collections" tile shows files/collections (normal action), but only of the FEW files/collections mentioned earlier. (most of the global view is not visable).

Toggling the Collection box and restarting has no effect (other than that expected/ show/hide collections).

Anyone else seeing anything like this?

my settings are default for the most part, I do have several newsgroups that auto 'get new headers' at intervals.

Need any of my files??

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:11 am
by alex
yes if it is not difficult email me screenshots.

do you see the same picture in v1.2.5? since with collections disabled in properties it supposedly works almost exactly as in previous versions.

if you have newsgroups opened separatedly in the same time it doesn't happen? i suspect these are just your newsgroup load/unload settings, if this is it i could explain what to change in settings .

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:16 am
by hholland
Sorry Alex;

I misseed some key words in the discription of global view. It is showing me exactly as described. I misintrepreted the OPEN groups and didn't realize it ment those opened in a view.

But why does it show me ALL headers in the DB when I open it the first time then change? :)

(Global View)
"All headers in OPEN groups plus bodies pending/errors in all groups"

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:22 am
by hholland
Yes, v1.2.5 has the same symptoms. It opens the global view with ALL headers in the DB, then switches the view and deletes (removes from view) everything except as descirbed in the (Global View discription). :)

Again sorry for the misunderstanding. The Global view displaying everything in the DB is very handy now that the 'Collections' option has been added. I had not used it much before.....

Regards Hal


Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 3:28 am
by alex
i need to change wording a bit, actually not in "open" newsgroups but rather "loaded" newsgroups, if you invoke "get new headers" newsgroup is loaded, but it is not necessarily is opened in a view.

if you are using compact binary newsgroup destination type so no RAM worries in properties->tasks empty "max groups", then as a side effect newsgroups won't be unloaded automatically.

if you don't need the newsgroup you can invoke "unload" from workspace context menu->advanced->unload.

as to global view it will be persistent in the next version.