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Quick Filter and Replies
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 1:11 pm
by wurzel
I tried filtering out all Messages starting with "Re:" using the quick filter, but nothing worked. Are there any Wildmat options to specify that the searchword should be the start of the subject as it was in NewsPro Filter settings? Or is the "Re:" in replies not seen as part of the subject by UE and therefore not searched?
I really like to keep my newsgroup lists clean of replies (some of the groups at least) and the Quick Filter doesn't allow this. Any way to do it, or is this not (yet) possible?
Greets wurzel
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:14 pm
by alex
internally UE keeps Re: rather as a flag than a part of the subject, it is why you cannot filter out replies this way, but if you enable threads (properties->newsgroups, I think they are enabled by default) while threads are collapsed most replies will be naturally hidden.
the problem is with some power post posts when these are replies without Re: but part of a thread, e.g. par2 files, if collections are enabled these usually go to the top.
also replies are sometimes useful even in binary groups, e.g. someone reported there is a virus, so at least you know, and at least people express themselves instead of just reducing everything to a list of attachments.
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:35 pm
by wurzel
First, thx for the fast answer. Yes, there are surely lots of uses for replies, I don't want to question that at all. Its just that I wanted to filter all the replies out by Quick Filter and couldn't do so. If its not possible, at least I know its not my fault for not knowing how
Althoug replies surely are useful, it would be much appreciated if you'd happen to know of a workaround to filter all replies, or even find the time to implement a Reply/^Reply Checkbox or something like that.
Anyway, thanks for this great programm.
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 2:45 pm
by alex
yes in principle i could add such a check box in the quick filter (since it is exactly how it works with other flags) especially if there will be other users requesting that (as to me you know already
), but again you can use the thread feature to filter out most of replies (those which have the root message, you will see only the plus sign).
by replies you mean subjects starting with Re: in general replies are those messages which have references but with power post latest designers stupidity it is now not the same, as an "experimental option" they are using references in the most inappropriate way.
Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2006 4:59 pm
by wurzel
Well, this is surely not a feature I see as an absolutely necessary addition to the capabilities of UE. If you find the time to implement it, great. If not - I guess I can live with that. As you already pointed out, to not see them the thread option is sufficient.
I just like using the Quick Filter to get exactly the posts displayed that I want, and thereby stumbled over this little inconvenience in selecting replies. Its not that big of a deal
So long,