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Wildmat strange behavior

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:43 am
by dominiquefortin
When I use the following pattern "(1|1e|1x)01" and I would expect it to accept strings like "...101...", "...1e01..." or "...1x01...", but it does not (it returns nothing). And if I use "s0(1|1e|1x)01", I get almost all the headers.

I could use "(101|1e01|1x01)", but the pattern "(1|1e|1x)01" is a simplified version of a more complex pattern and I don't want use a text editor just for making a pattern that should be simple to make. Anyway, it becomes impractical to use a text editor when the pattern is something like "word0(word1|word2|word3)word4(word5|word6|word7)(word8|word9)"

The pattern "s01[ex]01" is equivalent to "(s01e01|s01x01), so why wouldn't "s0(1|1e|1x)01" or "s0(1|1[ex])01" be equivalent to (s0101|s01e01|s01x01)"?

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:52 am
by alex
in wildmats there are no parentheses.

as to boolean wildmats i just added a simple wrapper (simple means minimal impact on performance) so you can use boolean operators and nesting with wildmats as operands, but if you look at the description it is easy to understand that still the original wildmat code is running underneath and in the example (1|1e|1x)01 the latter wouldn't be possible in general.

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 11:01 pm
by hholland
Nesting sure would be nice (nest), but I know it would be a major addition to the wildmat routing.

Just how do I do more than one filtering for a watch filter for example....?

I want only those posted by 'poster1' and only those of his that have subject 'Something Good" Two filterings one dependant on the other.



Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 7:35 am
by alex
nesting is already there.

you need to use "composite" filter like e.g. if the filter names (not the filter expressions) are "poster1" and "something good" you make a composite filter with arbitrary name which contains:

poster1&something good

you can also have nesting etc. e.g. (poster1|poster2)&something good