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Import folder content deleted at UE exit

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 6:04 pm
by sturkimov
Steps -

Search on something (using the server)
Import headers (enter)
Close UE

When UE is opened again the import folder is empty.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:18 pm
by alex
headers are not marked for download?

check retention for the import group (if it is default it will use the "default" entry retention) in properties->newsgroups.

the reason retention can be defined for the import group - otherwise older headers will stay forever and there was a case with some heavy downloader when for a long time the group got so big that it started take longer on load (the import group is not compact binary type since as a rule its size is limited and also many import groups can be created and no sense to keep it very large, so it loads everything into memory like message-id newsgroup destination type).

but as usual if headers are marked for download or flagged they won't be cleared on applying retention.