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Access denied error (5)

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:32 am
by thomas
After I upgraded to 1.7 I got this error:
ue.exe wrote:UE1700R internal error (7C81Ebb33/E06D7363)
No access. (5)

Restart the program to continue.

If you experience repeated crashes - email "h:\uedb\log.txt" to

Any reproducible ccrash details will be handled with the highest priority.
I fixed this issue by moving the database folder from h:\uedb\ to c:\uedb\
I also moved ue.exe from h:\ to c:\

The reason was, as far as I know, h:\ is a mounted network drive.
I don't see why there was issues cause I have every permission I need on that mounted network drive (read/write/delete)

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 3:25 pm
by dengle
if two instances of the program were running (on two different machines or logins perhaps?) the database files would have been locked. I find this happens to myself when I RDP into my server without using the /console switch and then log in locally and run another copy.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 4:24 am
by thomas
I was running only one instance of the application..
I even rebooted the computer, but still the same error

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2006 3:31 am
by alex
it is still the problem with permissions set for your system or some other system issue maybe user account permissions.

ue tries to open a database file and the system doesn't let it to do that, there can be no other reasons.

with two instances if you run them on the same computer ue tracks that and will just open the first instance when you are trying to launch another one, if you access the same database from two computers, it will be sharing violation (32), not access denied (5).