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Specifying multiple groups in the search service

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:49 pm
by Robert II
Rather than searching "all newsgroups", how do I specify two or three newsgroups in the groups box for the search service. I've tried to just list them with a single space between them (eg alt.binaries.sounds.ogg alt.binaries.boneless ) like I used to do in Newspro Xpat search, but the search service returns no results. If I run the search with only one of the groups listed in the groups box, or with the "all newsgroups" option, I get tons of results.

For example, if I search for Radiohead with just alt.binaries.sound.ogg listed in the groups, I get 45 results. When I search for Radiohead with just alt.binaries.boneless listed, I get 377 results. When I run the same search with both groups listed, I get no results. Is there some kind of boolean "or" that I need to use between the two groups that I list in the groups box?


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:12 pm
by blackdog56
The help file on the main website says to use | between group names for OR and & for AND.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:35 am
by alex
check "search examples" topic

you can narrow newsgroups with boolean wildmats, even no need to enumerate them exactly e.g. (music|classical)&^midi&binaries, as to your case maybe "ogg"|"boneless" (double quotes mean whole word). don't insert any spaces since spaces are legitimate characters (although as to the search service you cannot look just for spaces).