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Server up or down? (dns - server ip may change rarely!)

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 6:44 pm
by Josef K
Searching has been timing out for me all day (about seven hours since I first attempted) with the message about 'connected party did not respond'.

All other network related connections running fine, downloading with UE is fine, etc. and UE has been running overnight until now apart from one restart but that was after searching had already failed. I was searching with no issues last night but now nothing but that message. I reset configuration but it didn't resolve the issue. I've allowed UE full trusted access through my firewall even though it doesn't need it since it was already properly configured but no joy.

Has something been changed on the server in the last 24 hours?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:38 am
by alex
nothing changed, does it work now?
maybe some temporary connectivity problem from your location.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:18 am
by Josef K

My firewall caches IP addresses. I've deleted the two entries ( and and upon making a new search after that, my firewall popped up. OK, issue sorted and I'll exclude the search server from the cache from now on.

Are you sure the server's IP hasn't changed because my firewall was passing UE its cached IP, disallowing a DNS request for the actual one and presumably this problem arose because the server's IP has changed since then.

Also, should I just allow or as well in my firewall rules? Making a search earlier to test things showed me two connections to but only one to and that was the only that appeared to be using bandwidth while the other two were open but dormant. Is still being used?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 10:28 am
by alex
yes, i see now the ip address of the new server has changed, i kept the prior ip here for some case, i see now it is different, but the configuration file doesn't contain numberic ip addresses so if they are resolved normally - everything should work.

it changed Aug. 15, 2007 3:21 AM, i'm not sure what time maybe UTC, at the moment it is Aug. 16, 2007 6:26 AM the same time, in short about 23 hours ago.

usually ip addresses don't change but they may change. yes, you need to allow ueservice and useservice2

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 11:13 am
by Josef K
OK, the problem is sorted then. At least now it's something to keep in mind in case people mention in future that they lost access to searches. IP caching has been very useful for me in the past (sites changing hosts or DNS) where I couldn't access them other than through their IP address. For the record I'm using Outpost Firewall.