The "Show files off" and filter issue

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The "Show files off" and filter issue

Post by NoNo »

Hi Alex,
I found this issue that is easily reproducible.
I'm not using any firewall or anti-virus and I believe it's only related to ue (1.9.9).

First you need a filter, thou it does work with an initial filter.
Just create a simple one like "partest" where "subject contains .par2".
Open a newsgroup or folder, apply the "partest" filter, tick "Expand threads/collections" and tick "Show files" to off.
Now you should notice in the newsgroup/folder window that the keyboard arrows are ineffective on non-expanded threads/collections and the shift selection too, depending on how many threads are still expanded.
The "Shift+delete" function will delete a thread but will not disappear from the window.
The "Expand thread/collections" and "Collapse" will work on some thread but not others...

After some testing, I think this behavior only happen with a filter while" Show files" is off and you play with the quick filter state button or text or expand/collapse.
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Post by alex »

i've got it, thanks, i'll get it fixed.
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Post by alex »

got it fixed here, just the kind of optimization i was using from precollection code didn't work in this case, so i put a more generic function instead, measured how long it takes - it was the same so no big deal.

added also proxy for search service, maybe there is enough material for a small release (i'm updating v1.99 code in parallel with larger work when any issues are reported).
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Post by alex »

i released it in v1.9.9.1, check all is ok now (must be), just there were few more other reports since the last release and i want to come to v2.0 as clean as possible as to the older code.
Posts: 80
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Post by NoNo »

Oh that was fast, but downloaded it, using it :D and waiting for the v2.0 too 8)
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