Feature Request: #2

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Feature Request: #2

Post by Cynyster »

Hi Gang,
Its me again with another crackpot idea.
Today I was playing around with the "autodownload&save" auto create folder name feature.

I have to say that I absolutely love this. It saves me quite a bit of time.

What I noticed though, If you have this feature enabled it also holds true for those things you do not set to auto download. An example would be alt.binaries.boneless which has quite the array of different things to chose from. In this case when I do a "manual" select and "download and save" I select where I want to put it and click suggest for it to create a folder name based upon the subject.

So My question is this.

Is there a way to have the auto append view name only function when you click the autosave feature? Or maybe even a tool bar button that I can toggle back and forth easily or perhaps a setting (check box or the like) per group or collection?

I think the toggle button would be the easiest to implement.

Anyway just thought I would throw out the idea and see what people thought.
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Post by alex »

i have sizeable chunk of new code to work on, i can put ahead only bugs or faults which became known. but you have anything you can post it here i'm reading it at least, as to some prior suggestions in this section - i'm positive, some of it will be implemented.
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